Tuesday I was having contractions all day, but they didn't hurt too bad. The nurse told us to go in and get checked, but unfortunately they sent us home at 11:30 at night and they also gave me two Ambiens to sleep. The Ambien basically drugged my up and I was high as all get out! I seriously stumbled up the stairs to our bedroom and was so out of it. Paul told me that I was acting really loopy! I am not sure why they gave me two Ambien, but I don't think I will ever take the stuff for as long as I live. The entire beginning to my labor is a bit of a blur.
I woke up at 1:45am with horrible contractions and my water broke at 2:00. We went into the hospital. I had about an hour or so of hard contractions and then they gave me my epidural. Let me tell you, it was the most amazing feeling ever! Haha, thank the Lord for drugs! I was able to get some sleep and around 6:30am they told me I was dilated to 9cm and was going to push soon. Talk about moving fast! 7:10 we started pushing and 7:50 Belle came!
She has a FULL head of hair and a good set of lungs on her (that must take after me). The labor and delivery went awesome and smoothly. Belle weighed 7lbs 13 ounces and was 19 inches long. Paul and I are two proud parents and we are amazed at the work of God. I am in awe how he can create a tiny person and put all of their organs, body parts, and even their personality altogether so perfectly.
Since being home we are learning the ins and outs of parenthood. I have personally struggled with the normal hormonal things and just strugging to take care of a newborn while my body is healing. Paul has been my saving grace. Belle had a rough first night, but we are learning what things work and what things don't work. I am sure this is much of the entire journey of parenthood.
Below are some pics of are little peanut. She is seriously my favorite thing ever.

1 comment:
Awwwww...Betsy and Paulie she is so lovely! And Bets, what a great labor story! Nice and smooth and such short pushing!!!! And the name--though I may be biased b/c of it being my great-grandma's name--but it is beautiful and suits her perfectly!
Let me know when you are ready for company...I know it will take a while to adjust!
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