First, I began my internship over at Caledonia High School. So far it has been going well, but I struggle with leaving Belle. Many moms are cut out to work with little ones home, but I can't pretend to be one of them. I am only there Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, but by Thursday I miss Belle and am ready to wake up with her in the morning and snuggle her while she has her bottle and bobs her head to "The Hot Dog Song" on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. The people at Caledonia are fabulous, and I look forward to working with the students, but it will defintely be an adjustment. My family has been a huge help. My sisters, my mom, and Stacy alternate who takes her during the week. It is easier to leave her when I know she is in good hands. I owe them BIG TIME. I just keep telling myself that it is only 7 more months before I am officially graduated.
Second, Paul and I spent a fabulous weekend at Gull Lake with our friends, Liz and Mike. We won a week at a cottage at Jill and Jason's adoption fundraiser. It was the perfect way to end the summer. It was relaxing and very laid-back.
Lastly, Belle is totally growing up. It is so bittersweet. All of the changes are exciting, yet sad in the same way. She will never be that itty bitty baby again. Instead, she is a fast-moving, stair-climbing, crawling little bugger with loads of personality. She says "uh-oh," waves at people, and continues to raise her arms up when you ask her how big she is. We are working on "da-da" and "ma-ma," but we aren't quite there yet. In two weeks we will have a one year old. Where does the time go? I know it is so cliche, but I get it now. I totally get it.
Alright, enough chat. Time for pictures.

1 comment:
Is that girl standing/walking now??
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