Belle was dressed ridiculous. As her mother I feel the right to dress her in whatever I like and I often choose big frilly tutus. This time, however, I also opted for a big ole flower for her hair from Emma's Bowtique. Belle may be embarrassed later, but at this stage in her life I get to make the decisions on her attire, so I am going to go all out!
Belle got lots of gifts that she will definitely use. He Mema and Bipa Thompson got her an adorable outfit and some books. She had few books and I wanted more for her as she got older. Her Meme and Papa Huizinga got her a wagon. We gave it a test drive yesterday around the neighborhood. Every kid needs a wagon, right?
She also got lots of clothes (which makes me happy!) and other items like a stroller, cars, and a fridge farm (she played with this a ton at her Aunt Cricket's, so we felt she needed one of her own). All of her cousins were very into watching Belle open her gifts, as you will see from the pics!
Lastly, what one year old party would be complete without a baby covered in cake??? Belle dug right in to her cake and ended up covered in purple frosting. She actually ate very little of her cake and ended up just playing in it, but it made for GREAT pictures!
All in all it was a great day and Belle was exhausted by the end. We feel blessed to have our little one year old and thankful for everyone who came to celebrate.

So cute. :) Love the tutu.
Pretty sure she couldn't get any cuter...
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