First and foremost, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a fabulous day and stuffed themselves full of turkey and mashed potatoes. Thanksgiving is one of my absolute favorite holidays! Who doesn't like an entire holiday devoted to comfort foods?
Anyway, the service today was about being thankful not only during our peaks, but also through our valleys. It is always a good reminder to me that God asks us to praise him always and to rejoice in our sufferings. Normally this part of the Bible makes me think "Oh sure, thanks, God. Yet another expectation I could never live up to. Really?"
Well, clearly this message was meant for me because it made me think about all of the annoyances and nuisances in my life that irritate me to no end. In the bigger picture, these annoyances should really be a reminder to me of all of my blessings. So, I thought that on this Thanksgiving I would take time to think of the things that bother me in life and reflect on why I am thankful for them. Trust me, most of these are stated, but I need MUCH work on TRULY being thankful for these things. Either way, it's a great reminder to me to view things differently.
- I am thankful for a daughter that regularly poops in the tub, because it means I have a healthy (and regular) child.
- I'm thankful for a husband who forgets to come home on time from work, because it means my spouse is driven and dedicated (or forgetful?)
- I am thankful for my clothes that don't fit me as well as they did before Belle, because it means that I have enough to eat.
- I am thankful for homework and papers, because it means I am mentally capable of furthering my education.
- I am thankful for staying home to change diapers and clean up toys, because it means that Paul has a good job.
- I am thankful when I have to drop Belle off to a babysitter, because it means I have sisters and a mom willing to watch my child for free and offer a safe environment.
- I am thankful when I only have the energy to make mac and cheese, because I know my husband thinks this is the BEST meal ever.
- I am thankful for the rising gas prices, because it means I have a car that needs gas.
- I am thankful for the snow and cold weather, because it means I live close to my family.
- I am thankful for messes left at my house after a party, because it means I've been surrounded by family and friends.
- I am thankful for needing to get an oil change in my minivan, because it means I have transportation.
- I am thankful for the furthest parking space, because it means I am able to walk.
- I am thankful stained teeth, because it means I get coffee in the morning and red wine at night.
- I am thankful for an overhwhelming amount of crochet orders, because it means I have a successful business and able hands.
- I am thankful for Belle's screaming and crying when she is tired, because it means I can hear.
- I am thankful for my dry eyes and need for glasses, because it means that I can see.
- I am thankful for my mortgage payment, because it means I have a roof over my head.
- I am thankful for pots and pans to clean, because it means I have enough food to make a meal.
- I am thankful for having to make a doctor's appointment when I am sick, because it means I have health care that is reliable and readily available.
- I am thankful for all of the dog hair I find all over the house, because it means I have a dog that is a guard dog, a friend, and Belle's best friend.
- I am thankful for all of the laundry that piles up, because it means I have clothes to wear (this one is REALLY hard to write!)
- I am thankful for having to admit wrong and apologize to Paul after a fight, because it means I married someone who some how puts up with my dramatic, opinionated, stubborn nature.
- As the pastor stated today...."I am thankful for Jesus."
I love this list!!! It is way too cute. It's one of those lists that makes you cry and laugh at the same time.
What a great reminder. :-)
I like #13. :)
Thanks for sharing - it was a good reminder to me to be thankful in all things no matter what the circumstances.
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