It's been a few weeks since I have talked about what's happening in the Thompson household. Honestly, life has been hectic, but SO much fun. Belle is a riot. Here is what she has been up to so far:
- She recognizes people and says their names. When Paul walks in she points and says "dada"
- She is ALL about books. She will grab a book and scoot herself into my lap so I can read to her.
- She is beginning to not want her bottle. I am well aware that at 12 months I need to ween her off, but I haven't really been proactive with this. Seems like she is doing this on her own. Yay!
- She is showing more of her strong willed nature. Gosh, she is becoming more and more like me everyday!
- She is busy, busy, busy. Into EVERYTHING. I don't know how people have twins at this age! She keeps me on my toes and running all over.
- She is getting a little bit of the bully attitude with toys. She gives Maia a bit of a run for her money.
- She has graduated from Praise Baby and Baby Einstein movies and has fallen in love with Horton Hears A Who. LOVES IT.
- She cries when she has to go into the nursery at church or when Paul or I leave the room.
Those are the latest happenings in the Thompson home. I am halfway through my internship and can't believe how fast it went. Only 350 more hours to go!
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