Sunday, February 28, 2010
Newest Hat Style
Go Away Postpartum Body
I realized that I had hit my breaking point when I was sitting on the couch watching a commercial about some resort in a warm place. I wasn't really paying attention to where it was, because I was irritated at all the skinny women in bikinis. I was annoyed because I knew they could enjoy themselves at whichever resort they were at without worrying about a roly poly belly, thighs that looked like they got hit with a waffle iron, or any of the other lovely things that happen to a woman's body when she gets pregnant, gives birth, and then nurses.
I promise this is not a "woe is me" blog. This is a "get your butt in gear, quit eating like crap, and do something about it" blog! I realize that I should be proud of the marks of pregnancy, as I gave up ownership to my body and housed my beautiful baby girl for 9 months. However, thinking about that doesn't make me any happier when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror when I get out of the shower!
I guess I was hoping that the constant running up and down the stairs with my fat-cheeked child or the crazy fast crocheting throughout the day would burn enough calories for me to lose a lot of weight. News flash: No matter how fast I crochet it will never make my abs look like this:
So, I have got to do something! I watched a commercial about P90X, but it scared me more than motivated me. I know a lot of people that are currently doing this, so maybe I actually could stick it out for 90
days. I actually defeat myself before I start something like this because I already start coming up with excuses as to why this won't work. As you may have noticed, I am not one who enjoys exercise, sticking to a diet or denying myself wonderful foods like cookies, chips, or Burger King chicken sandwiches. Seriously, though, bathing suit season is around the corner and I dread having to squeeze myself into those tiny pieces of spandex. Why can't everyone just wear moo-moos to the beach or the pool?
Anyway, so the point of this entire blog is probably more a motivation to myself than to let the world know that my flabby stomach is begining to annoy me. Hopefully I can get a little motivation to say "no" to the extra piece of cake and opt for more carrot sticks. Otherwise, I just might be wearing a moo-moo this summer.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Crochet, Crochet, and More Crochet
Flower Beanie--$15
Feeding a Tired Baby
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Warning: Lots of New Photos
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
5 Months and Growing
Right now Belle has definitely got her laugh down. She thinks Mac and Daddy are HILARIOUS. Her Mama isn't near as funny, but I sure try. Hearing her laugh is one of my favorite things to hear. Poor thing even thinks it's funny when Mac licks and gets dog slobber all over her face. Clearly, I am not a germ-a-phobe.
Belle is still not rolling over. I personally think it is because her head is so honkin huge! She seriously has no interest in it and is perfectly happy hanging out on her back.
Belle is packing on the weight. We have tried some baby food with her, and she seriously hates the texture. I have to mix it with cereal to avoid seeing her cringe and scrunch her eyes together...although I think it's really cute when she does :-)
Paul and I continue to feel so blessed to have Belle. She cracks me up daily and I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching her grow and do new and different things.
On an aesthetic note...her hair is finally growing back!!!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
You Know You're A Mom When
1. You consider spit a perfectly acceptable cleaning agent
2. You catch spit- up in your hand
3. When you get the opportunity to go grocery shopping alone, you walk the aisles slowly as if you are in a museum
4. Your shower has become the quietest 10 minutes of your day
5. You find pacifiers in your coat pockets
6. You let your baby sit in his/her dirty diaper until Oprah is over
7. You filled up your child's baby book before his/her first tooth appeared
8. You silently curse people for calling during naptime
9. You consider it a major triumph if you shower before noon
10. You justify every excessive crying spell with teething
11. You own the entire Baby Einstein DVD Collection
12. You are just as surprised at when you sleep through the night as when your child does
13. You see your parents in a whole new light
14. You find yourself humming the "rubber ducky" song
15. You speak in the third person "Mommy said no. Mommy loves you. Mommy is going to feed you."
16. You consider the person who invented the sippy cup a genius.
17. You think being a parent is the best job in the whole world
18. You own stock in children's Tylenol
19. The idea of getting dressed up means not wearing sweatpants
20. You know of 100 other uses for baby wipes that don't include a diaper
21. You cannot leave your house without forgetting something
22. You watch Sueprnanny to make yourself feel better by saying "At least my kids aren't THAT bad."
23. You own every "What To Expect When Expecting" book published
24. You can hold a baby, balance the checkbook, empty the dishwasher, and talk on the phone without burning dinner
25. No only did you give in and buy a mini-van, but you find yourself liking it and saying "it is so convenient"