Lately I have been really trying to savor the best parts of being a mother of one. I know life is going to take another big adjustment with the arrival of baby Evelyn (yes, that is her secrets here). I am so excited to meet her, hold her, smell her, but at the same time I am petrified about what the change is going to be like.
I am not one that does well with change. When things are working well, I like them to stay that way. Obviously, many things will be changing when I become a mother of two. I am mentally trying to prepare myself for this and to tell myself to go with the flow. I am so excited for this change, but it still offers so much unknown.
Right now, I love, love, love my mornings with Belle. They are so relaxing and a good way to get started for the day. It is literally almost the same routine every day. She wakes up, gathers everything in her crib (this is such an ordeal because she may have 5 blankets,a sippy cup, and a stuffed animal and she is determined to carry them all on her own. I should also mention that I rarely wake up before she does right now. My alarm clock is hearing Belle chatting away in her room.
We head downstairs and I drink my coffee, check emails, and she watches some good ol' Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while she sits in her Dora chair and drinks milk. She is at that stage where the characters ask questions and she responds...she is also very good at saying "oh Toodles!" Breakfast soon follows for both of us, some playtime (Belle usually climbing furniture and jumping off) and then an hour after we wake up (depending on how early) we start to get ready for the day. Nice, relaxing, and familiar everyday.
Other things I know will change are the ease of leaving the house with one kid, trying to share my attention with two kids, no more sleeping all night and back to the newborn zombie stage, as well as just getting used to the logistics of two. I am so scared I won't be able to juggle the demands of two without becoming a crazy person. I know I will have moments I am overwhelmed and I just have to remind myself that "this too shall pass," and focus on the blessings around me.
I cannot wait to share more of my love with another child, and watch Belle as a big sister. She already loves to rock her babies, and always wants to help when other babies are around. Paul has already proven to be a great father to Belle, so I am sure another girl will come natural to him. I so hope that I allow myself to take in all of the blessings of a new child without getting bogged down by my own fears and insecurities. Hopefully the second time around proves easier than the first because I will have more confidence in myself as a mother.
Maybe I should call Michelle Duggar for a little advice.

You will do GREAT!! And now you know that when you are up all night with a crazy newborn, you have experienced the light at the end of the tunnel. And Belle is going to be a great, helpful big sister I'm sure. :-) Can't wait to meet baby Evie(Evy?).
Hi! I don't know you really but I know having another child... I have two boys (they are 15 months apart) and have another on the way.. They will be 3 1/2, 2 and baby is due on sept 7 :) I just want to let u know I found that it gets easier as it goes.. a little adjustment but I really thought it was much easier with my second because u don't worry about every little thing like with ur first! Your little Belle will love the new baby I am sure and she will be a great help and u have a loving husband that will help.. so be happy love the change! It's all great :) those little babies are blessing be greatful and love love every moment because in a little while they will be wanting to do everything on their own and u will be missing those little quiet moments.. remember most babies sleep the first bit anyways!
Take care and enjoy! I am sure u are surrounded by people that love u! :)
LOVE her name!
It's going to be an adjustment, but just like any big change, it just takes some time! It will become your new normal and won't seem to crazy after a little while! Can't wait to see you!
I just found your blog (from looking at your patterns on Raverly) I am a blog stalker and love reading blogs from other mamas =) I wanted to congratulate you on your new one coming. I just have one right now and it is a challenge I am still getting use to. I know you will find out what works and be a great mother of two. Feel free to stop by my blog if you stalk too
Oh my you really do give things a lot of thought! I am sure that is good on one hand but scary on the other. My daughter just had her first baby and she said every time she walked by the crib while she was pregnant she would pause to think what kind of mom she would be. I am amom of two and it will get crazy, but you will adjust, I am also one that does not like change at all! I came by to look at your free baby crochet patterns, thx for them, they are great!
Hey there...I don't know you at all...I'm not even sure how I ended up at your blog (clicking from fav blogs of one blog to fav blogs of that one, etc).
I just wanted to encourage you in becoming a mommy of two!! There will be changes, and there will be adjustments, but will fall into a "new normal" and you will hardly be able to remember what life was like with one. I remember crying the morning before I had my 2nd baby...I felt so horrible that my kids were only going to be 15 1/2 months apart (even though we had wanted them close). I felt like I was stealing baby time away from my daughter and I wondered how I'd ever be able to love my newborn son the way I loved my daughter. But he came. And I fell in love all over again, just the way everyone says you will...your heart just grows. It will be more work and more crazy and all of those things...but you will never look back. It will be awesome :)
When my baby #2 was 18 months old (my baby #1 was a few months away from 3) I was blessed with babies #3 & 4 :) Twin boys. Those twins boys are now 20 months old and baby #5 is happily growing in my belly, due to arrive a month after the boys turn 2 (so I'll have a 4 year old, 3 year old, two 2 year olds and a newborn!) and I can tell you that I am SO EXCITED! I was MUCH more worried about adding #2 than I am about adding #5 :) You'll see that God will just make things perfect!! Congratulations...I can't wait to come back to your blog and see how things are going after little Evelyn arrives!!
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