It's funny because this year was my first "official" Mother's Day, yet in some ways I feel it was my second. I was pregnant last year over Mother's Day, but I still celebrated. I feel that gestating and creating a baby is the ultimate epitomy of being a mom, so I can consider last year my first Mother's Day! :)
Also, Belle sent me a gift on Mother's Day last year :-) When I was at work, I received a dozen roses with a card that said "Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I can't wait to meet you! Love, Belle." (Yes, I realize my husband is the cutest ever!)
This year Mother's Day took on a whole new meaning. Being a mother for 8 months now has taught me the most, tested me the most, and brought me the most joy. Talk about an emotional 8 months! I am so thankful for each piece of motherhood. I am thankful for even those ear infections and sleepless nights (haha, even though I probably cuss under my breath a lot when they occur) because I have the great joy of experiencing them because it means I have a child to go through them.
I love my girl more than I ever thought I could love someone. Being a mother has allowed me to understand my parents more, but especially God. Seriously, that guy's heart must be filled with joy and break everyday when He watches each of us down here on earth. As much as I love Belle, God loves me infintely more.
So, I praise God each day I get to celebrate being a mom....although I know as Belle gets older I will be doing more praying to God for patience as Belle develops a personality and opinions. If she is anything like her mother, she will be full of sass and attitude. Oh, and add a bit of drama in there too!
Enjoy the pics of the little person that made me a mom. I think she is quite adorable :-)
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